3 lanterns

America , under attack from both land and sea…

Category Archives: Elections

Republican Presidential Debate, my 2 common sense choices

Herman Cain, gives lesson on free market.

Ron Paul defends his position on legalizing many more drugs and even prostitution:

Republican Blue Bloods are Progressives.

Poll: Palin Lacks Support Among GOP ‘Blue Bloods’

Are Sarah Palin’s presidential ambitions exposing an old class divide within the GOP, or creating a new one? A trio of polls shows that less affluent, non-college graduates back Palin in the GOP primary at about twice the rate of “wealthy, college-educated Republicans,” Nate Silver reports in his New York Times “FiveThirtyEight” blog.

That was brought home earlier this week when Palin responded to Barbara Bush’s dig that she should “stay in Alaska” by suggesting that criticism of her comes from ‘blue bloods.’

more here

The Rep. Party continues down this path of not supporting conservative, tea party or constitutionalist citizens, trying very hard to turn America back to our Founders and our Constitution.

Anyone paying attention, knows the Democrat Party has been eaten alive by the Progressive/Marxist and they have a death grip on the Rep. Party at this point in time.

The Republican blue bloods can either support Palin or stay with the Progressives and cease to exist!

Soros, pulling the plug on Obama ?

courtesy of The Blaze

Quoting “several Democratic sources,” the Huffington Post reports that billionaire George Soros may be encouraging his fellow progressives to funnel their money away from President Barack Obama — that is, unless Obama can deliver for their cause.
During a small, “private” meeting of the Democracy Alliance Tuesday afternoon, Soros reportedly told the well-funded, progressive-minded crowd that the Obama administration might not be their best investment:
According to multiple sources with knowledge of his remarks, Soros told those in attendance that he is “used to fighting losing battles but doesn’t like to lose without fighting.”

“We have just lost this election, we need to draw a line,” he said, according to several Democratic sources. “And if this president can’t do what we need, it is time to start looking somewhere else.”


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Read the complete article here.

The first thing that came to my mind, after reading this and listening to the video.
This is clearly a message to Obama , an indirect muessage, sort of a passive aggressive message. Many in the Progressive circle have stated. We have to force this President to do, what he knows he has to do. This is a first, of a short time period, for messages telling Obama. Do as we say, or we’re going to see to it, you’re not relected. I’ll go further and say, this is also a threat from the radical revolutionaries. Obama, If you desire to “Live”, do what you know we want you to do, or else……….perhaps Obama’s safety may be at risk.

This is clearly a sign that the Progressive movement has been shattered, from Beck’s educating us citizens to the outcome of the November elections. We have them splentered and if we keep our fight up through 2012, perhaps we can turn this Republic back to “Our Founders”.

Foreign Nations to Challenge Arizona Law?

courtesy of NewZeal

This is unbelievable. Foreign nations being allowed to challenge the laws of a sovereign US state.

Any Politican, any Judge, any Court that allows this to take place, SHALL be tried for TREASON !

The Puppet Master-Exposed-The Final Chapter

courtesy of The Daily Beck

The final part in Glenn’s three part series on the puppet master- George Soros. Last night, you saw the incredible
size of this one man’s influence. He has brought entire regimes and currencies down to the ground in flames- and now, his
next target is the United States. If you don’t understand where America is headed- you will after this part 3. All of the facts
have been presented and you’ve heard Soros in his own words-

now it’s time for you to make a choice

The Puppet Master-Revealed

Tonight: Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday:

The puppet master is revealed. Who is George Soros? He isn’t just the man behind MoveOn.org. He has caused
economies to collapse, currencies to become worthless, elections to be stolen and regimes to fall..and now he has his
sights set on the United States of America. Starting tonight and through the next few days, Glenn will shine the light on
this man who likes to hide behind the shadows. Please watch this program with an open mind and put your partisan
differences aside. Remember- don’t take Glenn’s word for anything- please do your own research and decide for yourself.

courtesy of The Daily Beck
The Glenn Beck TV Show on Foxnews and The Glenn Beck main website.

Gloat Fest…..this is hilarious !

Found this from the UK

This Brit, get’s what many Americans still do not. While Constitutionalist have taken control of The House and closed the gap in the Senate.
There is still a tremendous amount of work to do, to restore America, the Republic.
We have won a major battle but the war has just begun.

The midterms may have saved a superpower: Americans say no to US decline

Carpe Diem….Patriots…

Today is the day….Time to take back our republic. Go Vote !!
The Republic is depending on you.

If you are an Insider Extreme member, the election coverage from Glenn Beck and staff is always hilarious, delirious, accurate and serious too. We have watched and listened to elections returns with Beck and staff for over a decade. each one has been a hoot! (disclaimer not in 08, i.e.electing a marxist to the WH ).

go here, to sign up, be entertained and be a part of history.

Be entertained, be a part of history